IBM Exam Questions

Why might Optim be doing a scan even though you have specified to us e a key to access the table?

When performing a Delete Request, you notice that Optim is doing a table scan even though you have specified a ey Lookup?in the AccessWhen performing a Delete Request, you notice that Optim is doing a table scan even though you have specified a key Lookup in the Access Method of the Table Access Strategy panel for the Delete Request. Why might Optim be doing a scan even though you have specified to us e a key to access the table?

The wrong index was chosen for the Optim Primary Key for the table.

The table has a very large amount of data and the database engine has chosen a different access strategy than what you have specified.

You do not have authority in the database to specify a key to use.

Compare Row Contents option was not selected prior to running the Delete Request.