Briefing F5 Knowledge

Which functionality does the iRule provide?

Given the iRule:
if {([HTTP::username] ne “”) and ([HTTP::password] ne “”) } {
log local0. “client ip [IP::remote_addr] credentials provided [HTTP::username] [HTTP::password]”}
else {
pool old_application_pool
The associated virtual server has a default pool named new_application_pool.
Which functionality does the iRule provide?

Allows clients with credentials to access the old_application_pool and logs the access of clients without
credentials to the new_application_pool.

Allows clients without credentials to access the old_application_pool and logs the access of clients with
credentials to the new_application_pool.

Allows clients with credentials to access the old_application_pool and logs the attempted access of
clients with credentials to the new_application_pool.

Allows clients without credentials to access the old_application_pool and logs the attempted access of
clients without credentials to the new_application_pool.