EXIN Exam Questions

Of the following Scenarios, select those that, just as described, represent potentially dangerous So

You are aware of the significance and security risk that Social Engineering plays on your
company. Of the following Scenarios, select those that, just as described, represent potentially
dangerous Social

A writerfrom a local college newspapers calls and speaks to a network administrator. On the
call the writer requests an interview about the current trends in technology and offers to invite the
administrator to speak at a seminar.

An anonymous caller calls and wishes to speak with the receptionist. On the call the caller asks
the receptionist the normal business hours that the organization is open to the public.

An anonymous caller calls and wishes to speak with the purchaser of IT hardware and
software. On the call the caller lists several new products that the purchaser may be interested in
evaluating. The caller asks for a time to come and visit to demonstrate the new products.

An email, sent by the Vice President of Sales andMarketing, is received by the Help Desk
asking to reset the password of the VP of Sales and Marketing.

An email is received by the Chief Security Officer (CSO) about a possible upgrade coming from
the ISP to a different brand of router. The CSO is asked for the current network’s configuration
data and theemailer discusses the method, plan, and expected dates for the rollover to the new