ECCouncil Exam Questions

What is the hacker trying to accomplish here?

John is the network administrator of XSECURITY systems. His network was recently compromised. He analyzes the logfiles to investigate the attack.

Take a look at the following Linux logfile snippet. The hacker compromised and “owned” a Linux machine. What is the hacker trying to accomplish here?

[root@apollo /]# rm rootkit.c
root@apollo /]# [root@apollo /]# ps -aux | grep inetd ; ps -aux | grep portmap ; rm /sbin/portmap ; rm /tmp/h ; rm /usr/sbin/rpc.portmap ; rm -rf .bash* ; rm -rf /root/.bash_history ; rm – rf /usr/sbin/namedps -aux | grep inetd ; ps -aux | grep portmap ; rm /sbin/por359 ? 00:00:00 inetd 59 ? 00:00:00 inetd
m: cannot remove `/tmp/h’: No such file or directory
m: cannot remove `/usr/sbin/rpc.portmap’: No such file or directory [root@apollo /]# ps -aux | grep portmap
root@apollo /]# [root@apollo /]# ps -aux | grep inetd ; ps -aux | grep portmap ; rm /sbin/portmap ; rm /tmp/h ; rm /usr/sbin/rpc.portmap ; rm -rf .bash* ; rm -rf /root/.bash_history ; rm – rf /usr/sbin/namedps -aux | grep inetd ; ps -aux | grep portmap ; rm /sbin/por359 ? 00:00:00 inetd
m: cannot remove `/sbin/portmap’: No such file or directory
m: cannot remove `/tmp/h’: No such file or directory
>rm: cannot remove `/usr/sbin/rpc.portmap’: No such file or directory root@apollo /]# rm: cannot remove `/sbin/portmap’: No such file or directory

The hacker is attempting to compromise more machines on the network

The hacker is trying to cover his tracks

The hacker is running a buffer overflow exploit to lock down the system

The hacker is planting a rootkit

By deleting temporary directories and emptying like bash_history that contains the last commands used with the bash shell he is trying to cover his tracks.