CompTIA Exam Questions

Which of the following is the BEST policy to implement?

XYZ Corporation is about to purchase another company to expand its operations. The CEO is
concerned about information leaking out, especially with the cleaning crew that comes in at night.
The CEO would like to ensure no paper files are leaked. Which of the following is the BEST policy
to implement?

Social media policy

Data retention policy

CCTV policy

Clean desk policy

Clean Desk Policy Information on a desk—in terms of printouts, pads of note paper, sticky notes,
and the like—can be easily seen by prying eyes and taken by thieving hands. To protect data and
your business, encourage employees to maintain clean desks and to leave out only those papers
that are relevant to the project they are working on at that moment. All sensitive information should
be put away when the employee is away from their desk.