CompTIA Exam Questions

Which of the following could a security administrator implement to mitigate the risk of tailgating f

Which of the following could a security administrator implement to mitigate the risk of tailgating for
a large organization?

Train employees on correct data disposal techniques and enforce policies.

Only allow employees to enter or leave through one door at specified times of the day.

Only allow employees to go on break one at a time and post security guards 24/7 at each

Train employees on risks associated with social engineering attacks and enforce policies.

Tailgating is the term used for someone being so close to you when you enter a building that they
are able to come in right behind you without needing to use a key, a card, or any other security
device. Many social engineering intruders needing physical access to a site will use this method of
gaining entry. Educate users to beware of this and other social engineering ploys and prevent
them from happening.