CompTIA Exam Questions

What is the FIRST thing you should check?

As a Certkiller .com technician you are sent to troubleshoot a workstation that is unable to access
the Internet. All Certkiller .com workstations are set to automatically obtain an IP address from
Certkiller .com’s DHCP server. An IPCONFIG /ALL command reveals that the computer has the IP
address other users in the organization has reported any problems similar to this
one. What is the FIRST thing you should check?

That there is free addresses in the DHCP pool.

That the network adapter has the correct device drivers installed.

That the network cable is plugged into the computer.

Ask someone with the right privileges is the router is functioning properly.

Explanation: is an APIPA (Automatic Private IP Addressing) that the computer gives itself when no
DHCP can be reached. As no one else has these problems then it is probably connected to the
local machine and not the DHCP Server.