Briefing Cloudera Knowledge

you need to do in order to run Impala on the cluster and submit jobs from the command line of the ga

You have a Hadoop cluster HDFS, and a gateway machine external to the cluster from
which clients submit jobs. What do you need to do in order to run Impala on the cluster and
submit jobs from the command line of the gateway machine?

Install the impalad daemon statestored daemon, and daemon on each machine in the
cluster, and the impala shell on your gateway machine

Install the impalad daemon, the statestored daemon, the catalogd daemon, and the
impala shell on your gateway machine

Install the impalad daemon and the impala shell on your gateway machine, and the
statestored daemon and catalogd daemon on one of the nodes in the cluster

Install the impalad daemon on each machine in the cluster, the statestored daemon and
catalogd daemon on one machine in the cluster, and the impala shell on your gateway

Install the impalad daemon, statestored daemon, and catalogd daemon on each machine
in the cluster and on the gateway node