Briefing Cloudera Knowledge

What’s the relationship between JobTrackers and TaskTrackers?

What’s the relationship between JobTrackers and TaskTrackers?

The JobTracker runs on a single master node and accepts MapReduce jobs from clients. A
TaskTracker runs on every slave node and is responsible for managing actual map and reduce

Every node in the cluster runs both a JobTracker and a TaskTracker. The JobTrackers manage
jobs, and the TaskTrackers are responsible for managing actual map and reduce tasks.

The TaskTrackers runs on a single master node and accepts MapReduce jobs from clients. A
JobTracker runs on every slave node and is responsible for managing map and reduce tasks.

The JobTracker runs on a single master node, but forks a separate instance of itself for every
client MapReduce job. A TaskTracker runs on every slave node and is responsible for managing
actual map and reduce tasks.

Explanation: (Overview, 4th paragraph)