Cisco Exam Questions

Which of the following is an independent cryptographic …

Which of the following is an independent cryptographic processor that provides hardwarebased authentication
services for PCs? (Select the best answer.)





A Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is an independent cryptographic processor that provides hardwarebased
authentication and full disk encryption services for personal computers (PCs). TPM uses an encrypted memory
module, which provides an additional security layer for properties such as passwords, digital certificates, and
encryption keys. Because the encryption keys are stored in the TPM module, any data stored on an associated
encrypted drive cannot be decrypted once the drive is removed from the original device.
A Mobile Trusted Module (MTM) is the TPMequivalent for mobile phones. With an integrated MTM, a mobile
phone can have a hardwarebased root of trust. A hardwarebased root of trust ensures the integrity of the
mobile phone, including any stored keys or certificates, and can facilitate secure transactions, such as
enterprise access or online banking.
Trusted Network Connect (TNC) is a vendorneutral standard to enforce endpoint integrity and network access
policies. TNC can be implemented in the device that an endpoint uses for network access or within the existing
network infrastructure. TNC is intended to support interoperability between a variety of vendors of endpoints
and network infrastructure devices.
Trusted MultiTenant Infrastructure (TMI) is an open framework that defines reference models for trusted cloud
or shared infrastructures. Because of the recent rise in cloudbased computing, the Trusted Computing Group
(TCG) has published the TMI framework as a first step toward implementing trustbased models in shared,
multiprovider infrastructures.

Trusted Computing Group: Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Summary