Cisco Exam Questions

Which of the following accurately describes the use of NTP in a Cisco Unified Communications Manager

Which of the following accurately describes the use of NTP in a Cisco Unified Communications
Manager cluster? (Choose four)

The endpoints derive their clock from NTP directly, or via SIP from Cisco Unified
Communications Manager if NTP references are not configured in Cisco Communications
Manager for the endpoints.

Cisco IOS Gateway always derive clock from Cisco unified Communications Manager via SIP.
NIP is not required for gateways

NTP helps ensures that log files that are collected from Cisco Unified Communications
Manager, endpoints and gateways contain correct date and time stamps.

An NTP server is required when installing the Cisco Unified Communications Manager

publisher node

The Cisco Unified Communications manager subscriber nodes require NTP in order to properly
synchronize with publisher node
NTP is optional. Cisco Unified Communications Manager can provide a master clock reference to
the entire cluster