Cisco Exam Questions

What would the adaptive security appliance do when it is configured as displayed?

What would the adaptive security appliance do when it is configured as displayed?
regexNEWCLINETI NewP2P1 regex NEWCLIENT2 NewP2P2 class-map type regex match-any
match regex NEWCLIENT1
match regex NEWCLIENT2
class-map type inspect http match-all BLOCK_NEW_P2P
match requet header user-agent regex class NEW_P2P
match request method post
policy-map type inspect http MY_HTTP_MAP
class BLOCK_NEW_P2P drop-connection policy-map WEB_POLICY
class inspection_default
inspect http MY_HTTP_MAP service-policy WEB_POLICY interface inside

drop any HTTP connection request that either contains the NewP2P1 and the NewP2P2
strings, or uses the POST request method

drop any HTTP connection request that contains the NewP2P1 and NewP2P2 strings and also
uses the POST request method

drop any HTTP connection request that contains either the NewP2P1 or the NewP2P2 string,
or that uses the POST request method

drop any HTTP connection request that contains either the NewP2P1 or the NewP2P2 string,
and also uses the POST request method