Cisco Exam Questions

what will you respond?

You have just been employed in a mobile company. During your probationary period, you
have to sell your mobility services to the customers directly in the promotional activities. A
customer tells you that they do not need this kind of service at present because of their
insufficient funds. They can also expand their network later when they need the mobility
services. In such case, what will you respond? Choose the best one from the following

A pervasive deployment of the Cisco Unified Wireless Network solution with integrated
security services delivers the required level of security that allows you to proactively secure
your business.

The costs of a wireless network are very likely to increase in the future. Customers are
much better off in the long term to invest in a WLAN today.

It will be difficult to react quickly when a competitor deploys mobility services. If you wait,
you will need to upgrade your network and deploy the service at the same time.

Seizing this opportunity before the competition will allow you to be more proactive and
set the business pace.