Cisco Exam Questions

What will be the best response for this case?

You are the senior desktop administrator for A potential customer is thinking about a full data center virtualization strategy and is putting off network purchasing decisions. And he plans to deploy VMware before compatibility testing for storage and networking. What will be the best response for this case?

Be sure that the customer is aware of that Cisco has the only complete network solution sets authorized by VMware.

Tell the customer that Cisco will release a version of VMware as an embedded network service
soon, so you can guarantee the compatibility with Cisco equipment.

Be sure that the customer is aware of that Cisco has a financial stake and a place on the board of VMware, so Cisco will follow whatever VMware is doing. Any networking products bought from Cisco today are guaranteed to be upgraded to match any changes made by VMware.

Explain how the Cisco VFrame Data Center has been tested and approved to provision not only VMware but also the Cisco networking solutions; so today’s purchase of Cisco networking equipment automatically integrates into a wider data center virtualization strategy, satisfying both the needs of the existing data center and adapting the virtualized environment as it evolves.

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