Cisco Exam Questions

What is the best method to decrease duty cycle (radio frequency utilization) and increase overall wi

You are designing a wireless LAN with the following components:
High-density indoor access point deployment
2.4-GHz and 5-GHz radios
802.11a, 802.11g, and 802.11n mode wireless LAN clients
Site survey results show negligible foreign WiFi and non-WiFi interference. What is the best
method to decrease duty cycle (radio frequency utilization) and increase overall wireless LAN
client performance for this design?

Disable all data rates below 12 Mb/s on all access points.

Decrease radio transmit power on all access points that report a high duty cycle.

Increase radio transmit power on all access points that report a high duty cycle.

Disable all data rates above 12 Mb/s on all access points.

Increase radio transmit power on all access points.