Cisco Exam Questions

What is the accurate statement about FTP flow transiting through this ASIC over a PPP SONET port?

There is a defective egress queuing ASIC in the data path of a router. Under certain conditions,
the ASIC may flip a bit from a large data packet from 0 to 1. The bit flip can occur only on a bit
position greater than 128 bytes. What is the accurate statement about FTP flow transiting through
this ASIC over a PPP SONET port?

The downstream router will detect the bit error with PPP CRC check and correct the problem.

The downstream router will detect the bit error with PPP CRC check and drop the packet.

The downstream router will detect the bit error with IP checksum and drop the packet.

The downstream router will detect the bit error with TCP checksum and drop the packet.

The downstream router will not detect the bit error, but TCP on the sending host will retransmit
the corrupted segment.
