Cisco Exam Questions

how will you tell him about the service?

Nowadays, the voice-over-Wi-Fi services are widely used in the business or our daily lives.
A CIO of a commercial company wants to know what the benefits of cost will be generated if
he adopts the voice-over-Wi-Fi services. Suppose that you are a network technician, how
will you tell him about the service? Select the best one from the following options.

Voice-over-Wi-Fi provides continued cost savings through the convergence of
communications devices.

With voice-over-Wi-Fi, the telephony system recognizes Wi-Fi handsets in the same way
that it recognizes traditional desktop phones, which allows employees to make and receive
calls when they are mobile.

With voice-over-Wi-Fi, the Cisco Unified wireless solution supports quality of service.

Voice-over-Wi-Fi that is integrated into the wired network allows a single control point to
guarantee the quality of the call, regardless of the transport over which the call is carried.
This causes significant cost savings.