Brocade Exam Questions

What is needed to create the SSL profile?

You have been running standard Layer 4 SLB for SSL sessions to two real servers. Each real
server is running standard Microsoft IIS but they are at peak CPU utilization due to SSL overhead.
You have determined that implementing SSL Acceleration on your Brocade ADXs will solve the
CPU utilization. You export the existing SSL certificates from IIS and change the extension from
.pfs to .pem and upload them to the Brocade ADX. When you attempt to create an SSL profile,
you get the error message “certificate does not exist”.
What is needed to create the SSL profile?

Your file transfer was corrupted; upload the certificate using SCP again.

Use a self-signed certificate instead of the certificate from the IIS server.

Use OpenSSL to convert the IIS PFX certificate to PEM format before upload.

When you implement SSL acceleration you need new certificates from your CA.