Briefing Amazon Knowledge

Which of the below mentioned limitations does not hold …

A user is creating a Cloudformation stack. Which of the below mentioned limitations does not hold true for

One account by default is limited to 100 templates

The user can use 60 parameters and 60 outputs in a single template

The template, parameter, output, and resource description fields are limited to 4096 characters

One account by default is limited to 20 stacks

AWS Cloudformation is an application management tool which provides application modelling, deployment,
configuration, management and related activities. The limitations given below apply to the Cloudformation
template and stack. There are no limits to the number of templates but each AWS CloudFormation account is
limited to a maximum of 20 stacks by default. The Template, Parameter, Output, and Resource description
fields are limited to 4096 characters. The user can include up to 60 parameters and 60 outputs in a template.