Briefing Amazon Knowledge

A call center application consists of a three-tier application using Auto Scaling groups to au&#8230

A call center application consists of a three-tier application using Auto Scaling groups to au

tomatically scale resources as needed. Users report that every morning at 9:00 AM the system becomes very slow for about 15 minutes. A Solution Architect determines that a large percentage of the call center staff starts work at 9:00 AM, so Auto Scaling do

es not have enough time to scale out to meet demand.

How can the Architect fix the problem?

A. Change the Auto Scaling group-s scale out event to scale based on network utilization.

B. Create an Auto Scaling scheduled action to scale out the necessary re

sources at 8:30 AM every morning.

C. Use Reserved Instances to ensure the system has reserved the right amount of capacity for the scale-up events.

D. Permanently keep a steady state of instances that is needed at 9:00 AM to guarantee available resources,

but leverage Spot Instances.