PMI Exam Questions

Information collected on the status of project activities being performed to accomplish the project

Information collected on the status of project activities being performed to accomplish the project work is known as what?

Project management information system

Work performance information

Work breakdown structure

Variance analysis

Work Performance Information
Part of the executed project management plan includes the routine collection of work performance information. The information gathered is important, and is useful as input data for quality control measures and programs. It is also useful when audits, quality reviews, and process analyses are conducted. This is especially true of work performance information collected which includes technical performance measures, project deliverables status, required corrective actions, and performance reports. Pertinent work performance Information is essential to the project management plan and includes, but is not limited to:

Status information on schedule progress.
Whether deliverables have been completed, or not.
Start and finish status of schedule activities.
Quality standards expectation results.
Authorized costs vs. costs incurred to date.
Estimated completion time for scheduled activities in progress.
Percentage of physical completion of in-progress schedule activities.
Experience based knowledge acquired, documented, and posted to knowledge base.
Details of resource utilization.

Gathering and analysis of work performance information is essential to the project management plan and should be considered a priority. Work performance information contributes to the efficient use of resources, identifies potential trouble spots and problems, and serves as an effective project management tool. This term is defined in the 3rd and the 4th edition of the PMBOK.