VMware Exam Questions

what will be the impact on the vSphere environment?

A system administrator detects that a VDP Appliance that has been operational for 6 months has
become inconsistent or unstable.
Which action should the administrator take to recover the VDP appliance and what will be the
impact on the vSphere environment?

Perform a VDP rollback to the most recent validated checkpoint. All backup and configuration
changes made after the checkpoint will be lost.

Perform a VDP rollback to the most recent validated checkpoint. Configuration changes after the
checkpoint will be lost, but backup data will remain intact.

Restore a copy of the latest backup of the VDP appliance. All backup data and configuration
changes after the backup was made will be lost.

Restore a copy of the latest backup of the VDP appliance. All configuration changes after the
backup was made will be lost, but backup data will remain intact.