VMware Exam Questions

What should the administrator configure to ensure external connections to the TFTP server are

An administrator manages a TFTP server virtual machine that is connected to a Logical
Switch with a VNI of 7321. The TFTP server has been configured to use port 1069. An NSX
Edge Service Gateway is connected to VNI 7321 and has an uplink interface with access to
the physical network. Assume external users can reach the Service Gateway. What should
the administrator configure to ensure external connections to the TFTP server are


Create a DNAT rule with the original port of 69 and translated port of 1069.

Create a SNAT rule with the original port of 1069 and translated port of 69.

Create a SNAT rule with the original port of 69 and translated port of 1069.

Create a DNAT rule with the original port of 1069 and translated port of 69.