JAVA/Sun Exam Questions

Which statement is true?

Several systems are using system blue as a log host. Given the following syslog messages in the /var/adm/messages file on system blue:
Jan 27 10:53:09 mailserver root: [ID 702911 mail.crit] The mail server is down Jan 27 10:54:38 webserver utmp_update[27026]: [ID 845426 user.error] Wrong number of arguments
Jan 27 10:55:54 fileserver ufs: [ID 845546 kern.notice] NOTICE: alloc: /data: file system full Which statement is true?

The /data file system on system blue is full.

NONE of these messages originated from system blue.

The mailserver daemon on system blue generated the first message.

The root user on system blue used the logger command to generate the first message.

The user corresponding to UID 845426 generated the error “Wrong number of arguments.”