NetApp Exam Questions

Which CLI command is used to move epsilon to a new node?

Which CLI command is used to move epsilon to a new node?

cluster modify

cluster identity modify

cluster setup

storage failover takeover

Reassigning epsilon to another node in the cluster.
Only one node in the cluster can hold epsilon. Epsilon gives the holding node an extra fractional voting weight in
the quorum.
1. If you are currently at the admin privilege level, set the privilege level to advanced by using the set command
with the -privilege parameter.
2. Remove epsilon from the node that holds it currently by using the cluster modify command with the -epsilon
parameter set to false for the node.
You can use the cluster show command with the -epsilon parameter to identify the node that holds epsilon
3. Assign epsilon to another node by using the cluster modify command with the -epsilon parameter set to true
for the node.