Microsoft Exam Questions

You need to be ensure that the function has the proper permission to read the c:\temp directory

You are developing a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application.

You are implementing the security features for a function that requires File IO. The callers of this function that are higher in the stack.. have permission to read the c:\temp directory
The function also accesses other resources that requires permission.

You need to be ensure that the function has the proper permission to read the c:\temp directory, and that all other resources in the .. still be accessed

[FileIOPermissionAttribute[SecurityAction.Demand, Read=”C:\\TEMP”]

[FileIOPermissionAttribute[SecurityAction.Assert, Read=”C:\\TEMP”]

[FileIOPermissionAttribute[SecurityAction.PermitOnly, Read=”C:\\TEMP”]

[FileIOPermissionAttribute[SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Read=”C:\\TEMP”]

B or C