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Tag: Exam 70-513 (update June 30th, 2014)

Exam 70-513: TS: Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (update June 30th, 2014)

Which contract should be used?

There is a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) solution for PassGuide.
You need to specify the contract complying to the following requirements:
PassGuideInitialize can always be called before PassGuideTerminate is called.
PassGuideSomething can only be called after PassGuideInitialize has been called.
PassGuideSomething cannot be called after PassGuideTerminate has been called.
PassGuideTerminate can only be called after PassGuideInitialize has been called.
Which contract should be used?

How should bind2 be defined and configured?

Hosting Code Exhibit:
ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(CounterService));
NetTcpBinding bind1 =
new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode None);
bind1, “net.tcp://localhost: 98765”);
Bind2 exhibit:
bind2, “http:Illocalhost: 98765”);

There is a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) self-hosted service PassGuideService.
PassGuideService provides a session-based counter.
PassGuideService is exposed over TCP.
The PassGuideService hosting code is being displayed in the exhibit.
PassGuideService must also be exposed over HTTP for external clients.
The session-counter must be able to perform over HTTP at it does over TCP.
How should bind2 be defined and configured?

you need to tweak the performance of PassGuideService so it allows the maximum number calls the methods

[ServiceBehavior(ConcurrencyMode =
public class DataAccessService
public void PutMessage(string message)
public string SeachMessages(string search)
return MessageDatabase.SearchMessages(search);
There is a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) service PassGuideService.
PassGuideService is specified in the exhibit.
PassGuideService is used over a TCP binding.
At the moment MessageDatabase only support a small finite number of concurrent executions of
the methods belonging to it.
While not preventing users to connecting to PassGuideService you need to tweak the
performance of PassGuideService so it allows the maximum number calls the methods.
What should be done?

How should this be achieved?

Soap envelope exhibit:
<s:Envelope xmlns:se’http://schemas.xmlsoporg/soap/enveloper’>
<s: Header>
<h:PassGuideID xmlns = “http:/”>
</h: PassGuideID>
<PassGuideStock xmlns=”>
<ParticularID>1234 </ ParticularID >
</s: Body>
</s: Envelope>

The SOAP envelope in the exhibit must be generated.
How should this be achieved?

How can this be achieved?

PassGuideService Exhibit:
public interface PassGuideService
DateTime GetPassGuideServiceTime;
There is a class PassGuideService.
PassGuideService is hosted within an ASP.NET application PassGuideApp.
PassGuideService implements the interface being displayed in the exhibit.
PassGuideApp must be tweaked so that the GetPassGuideServiceTime method returns the result
formatted as JSON when request url ends in /PassGuide.
How can this be achieved?

How can this be achieved?

string void PassGuideDelete(string PassGuideId);
There is a WCF service PassGuideService.
PassGuideService implements restful manner operations.
The PassGuideDelete method is implemented as displayed in the exhibit.
When a client calls PassGuideService with the HTTP DELETE operation PassGuideService must
use this method.
How can this be achieved? Select two or three.

Which code should be used for the channel factory?

<endpoint address=”nettcp://server/PassGuideService”
Contracts ” PassGuide.IPassGuideService”
name=”netTcp” />
<endpoint address=”net.pipe://localhost/PassGuideService”
Contracts ” PassGuide.IPassGuideService”
Name=”netPipe” />

There is a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) service client PassGuideServiceClient.
The system ServiceModel element of PassGuideServiceClient includes the XML element that is
being displayed in the exhibit.
There is a need of channel factory.
The channel factory should send messages to endpoint listening at
Which code should be used for the channel factory?

How should the client channed be implemented?

[ServiceContract(CallbackContract = typeof(INameService))]
public interface IGreetingService
string PassGuideMessage();
public intetface INameService
string PassGuideName();

There is a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) solution PassGuideSol, which is using
some contracts being displayed in the exhibit.
Whenever the client uses PassGuideMessage on the service interface, the service uses the client
callback to call PassGuideName. Within the client the callback contract is implemented by the
NameService class.
The service callback must processed by an instance of NameService.
How should the client channed be implemented?

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