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Tag: Exam 70-513 (update June 30th, 2014)

Exam 70-513: TS: Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (update June 30th, 2014)

How can this be achieved?

Public Interface IDataAccessService
Sub PassGuidePut(ByVal message As String)

Function PassGuideSearch(ByVal search As String) As String()
End Interface
There is a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) service.
The service implements the contract being displayed in the exhibit.
Database timeouts causes PassGuideSearch to throw TimeoutFaultException exceptions.
Other issues that causes problems for PassGuideSearch thows Exceptions.
The clients receives the exceptions as generic FaultException exceptions.
A new channel must be created on the client. New error handling code for PassGuideSearch must
be created. This code should only handle errors on the new channel.
How can this be achieved?

How can this be achieved?

Public Interface IDataService
Function PassGuideData() As String
End Interface
There is a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) solution PassGuideSol, which is exposing
the contract being displayed in the exhibit.
At the moment calls to PassGuideData has a 10 seconds completion time.
Current client calls makes blocking calls to PassGuideData.
New clients must be allowed to make non-blocking calls to obtain data from PassGuideData.
At the same time the existing clients must not break.
How can this be achieved?

Which code should be used for the channel factory?

<endpoint address=”nettcp://server/PassGuideService”
Contracts ” PassGuide.IPassGuideService”
name=”netTcp” />
<endpoint address=”net.pipe://localhost/PassGuideService”
Contracts ” PassGuide.IPassGuideService”
Name=”netPipe” />

There is a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) service client PassGuideServiceClient.
The system ServiceModel element of PassGuideServiceClient includes the XML element that is
being displayed in the exhibit.
There is a need of channel factory.
The channel factory should send messages to endpoint listening at
Which code should be used for the channel factory?

Which code segment should you use?

Contract exhibit:
Public Interface IHelloService
<WebGet(UriTemplate: =“hellonane={name}”>
Function PassGuideHello(Byval name As String) As string
End Interface
Class exhibit:
Public Class HelloService
Implements IHelloService
Public Function PassGuideHello(ByVal name As String) As String_
Implements lHelloService
Return “Hi there “& name
End Function
End Class

Hosting code exhibit:
Dim svcHost As WebServiceHost = CreateHost()
There is a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) service PassGuideService.
The contract of PassGuideService, the implementation, and self-hosted service hosting code are
displayed in separate exhibits.
A single endpoint, at http://PassGuide:7500/HelloService, is used for the implementation of
Which code should you use?
You need to implement CreateHost so that the service has a single endpoint hosted
Which code segment should you use?

How can this be ensured?

Public Interface IMessageProcessor
Sub PassGuideProcess()
End Interface
Public Class MessageProcessor
Implements IMessageProcessor
Public Sub ProcessMessage() Implements IMessageProcessor ProcessMessage
End Sub

End Class
There is a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) service PassGuideService.
It is defined in the exhibit.
PassGuideSubmit uses another service not defined above.
There is performance problem with the PassGuideProcess method when it is run in heavy load.
Processing of multiple messages must be supported.
Additionaly you must make sure that new messages is only processed when PassGuideProcess is
not waiting for request and there is no waiting for PassGuideSubmit processes to finish.
How can this be ensured?

DRAG DROP Service Contract exhibit: <ServiceContract> Public Interface IService <OperationContract&

Service Contract exhibit:
Public Interface IService
Function PassGuideOp (ByVal s As String) As String
There is a WCF service PassGuideService.
PassGuideService uses the service contract in the exhibit.
PassGuideOp must respond to HTTP POST request.
How can this be ensured?

How can this be achieved?

Sub PassGuideDelete (Byval PassGuideId As String)
There is a WCF service PassGuideService.
PassGuideService implements restful manner operations.
The PassGuideDelete method is implemented as displayed in the exhibit.

When a client calls PassGuideService with the HTTP DELETE operation PassGuideService must
use this method.
How can this be achieved? Select two or three.

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