ISC Exam Questions

Which ofthe following has the incorrect mapping when considering these identitycharacteristics?

A digital identity is made up of attributes, entitlements, and traits. Which ofthe following has the incorrect mapping when considering these identitycharacteristics?

Attributes = department, role in company, shift time, clearance

Entitlements = resources available to user, authoritative rights in the company

Traits = biometric information, height, sex

None of the above

A user’s identity can be a collection of her attributes (department, role incompany, shift time, clearance, and others), her entitlements (resources availableto her, authoritative rights in the company, and so on) and her traits (biometricinformation, height, sex, and so forth). So if a user requests access to a databasethat contains sensitive employee information, am IdM solution could need to pulltogether the necessary identity information and her supplied credentials before sheis authorized access. If the user is a senior manager (attribute), with a Secretclearance (attribute), and has access to the database (entitlement)-she is grantedthe permissions Read and Write to certain records in the database Monday throughFriday, 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. (attribute).