ISC Exam Questions

Which of the following activities best describes a salience model?

Ben works as a project manager for the MJH Project. In this project, Ben is preparing to identify stakeholders so he can communicate project requirements, status, and risks. Ben has elected to use a salience model as part of his stakeholder identification process. Which of the following activities best describes a salience model?

Grouping the stakeholders based on their level of authority ("power") and their level or concern ("interest") regarding the project outcomes.

Grouping the stakeholders based on their level of authority ("power") and their active involvement ("influence") in the project.

Describing classes of stakeholders based on their power (ability to impose their will), urgency (need for immediate attention), and legitimacy (their involvement is appropriate).

Influence/impact grid, grouping the stakeholders based on their active involvement ("influence") in the project and their ability to affect changes to the project’s planning or execution ("impact").


A salience model defines and charts stakeholders’ power, urgency, and legitimacy in the project. The salience model is a technique for categorizing stakeholders according to their importance. The various difficulties faced by the project managers are as follows.
How to choose the right stakeholders?
How to prioritize competing claims of the stakeholders communication needs?

Stakeholder salience is determined by the evaluation of their power, legitimacy and urgency in the organization.
Power is defined as the ability of the stakeholder to impose their will.
Urgency is the need for immediate action.
Legitimacy shows the stakeholders participation is appropriate or not. The model allows the project manager to decide the relative salience of a particular stakeholder. Answer options A is incorrect. This defines the power/interest grid. Answer option B is incorrect. This defines a power/influence grid. Answer option D is incorrect. This defines an influence/impact grid. Reference: "Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), Fourth Edition"