ISC Exam Questions

Which choice does NOT describe an element of configuration management?

Which choice does NOT describe an element of configuration

Configuration management reports the status of change processing.

Configuration management is the decomposition process of a
verification system into Configuration Items (CIs).

Configuration management documents the functional and physical
characteristics of each configuration item.

Configuration management involves information capture and
version control.

Configuration management is a discipline applying technical and
administrative direction to:
Identify and document the functional and physical characteristics
of each configuration item for the system
Manage all changes to these characteristics
Record and report the status of change processing and

Configuration management involves process monitoring, version
control, information capture, quality control, bookkeeping, and an
organizational framework to support these activities. The configuration
being managed is the verification system plus all tools and
documentation related to the configuration process.
Source: NCSC-TG-014-89, Guidelines for Formal Verification Systems
[Purple Book].