ISC Exam Questions

What type of protection method is illustrated in the graphic that follows?

Protection methods can be integrated into software programs. What type of protection method is illustrated in the graphic that follows?




Object classes

B: Polyinstantiation is the simultaneous existence of multiple information objects, which refer to the same real-world concept but differ by their classification level and/or their
contents. The multiple instances are commonly distinguished by their security levels. Polyinstantiation is when more than one copy of an object is made, and the other copy is modified
to have different attributes. This can be done for several reasons. A way to use polyinstantiation is for security purposes, to ensure that a lower-level subject could not access an object
at a higher level. If a lower subject does not have the clearance of top secret then it should not be able to access data at this classification level.
A is incorrect because polymorphism is the capability of different objects to respond differently to the same message. This is possible because objects can belong to different
classes, meaning they will exhibit different behaviors. Polymorphism can take place in the following example: Object A and Object B are created from the same parent class, but Object
B is also under a subclass. Object B would have some different characteristics from Object A because of this inheritance from the parent class and the subclass. When Object A and
Object B receive the same input, they would result in different outputs because only one of them inherited characteristics from the subclass. An analogy of polymorphism is if someone
gave you and me the same message and I responded with X and you responded with Yso the same input and different outputs.
C is incorrect because cohesiveness means that one module is carrying out only one task. If a module is highly cohesive, this means that all elements in the module directly deal
with the one basic task the module carries out, or a group of similar tasks. A module should have well-defined responsibilities, which means that it has high cohesiveness. If you were a
highly cohesive module, you would carry out your one specific task you were built to do, for example taking out the trash.
D is incorrect because an object class is a blueprint or prototype that defines the variables (data) and methods (procedures) common to all objects within it. A class provides a type
of empty template of variables that will be populated when the object is instantiated. Objects are members, or instances, of classes. A real-world object, such as a table, is a member
(or an instance) of a larger class of objects called “furniture.” The furniture class will have a set of attributes associated with it, and when an object is generated, it inherits these
attributes. The attributes may be color, dimensions, weight, style, and cost. These attributes apply if a chair, table, or loveseat object is generated or instantiated. Because the table is a
member of the class furniture, the table inherits all attributes defined for the class