ISC Exam Questions

What is the name of the software that prevents users from seeing all items or directories on a compu

What is the name of the software that prevents users from seeing all items or directories on a
computer and is most commonly found in the UNIX/Linux environment?

Shell Kits

Root Kits


Shadow data


Shadowing, used for Unix password files hides the password hash. IF SHAWDOWING IS ACTIVE: ——-
—————– If the shawdowing is active the /etc/passwd would look like this: root:x:0:1:0000:/:
sysadm:x:0:0:administration:/usr/admin:/bin/rsh The password filed is substituted by “x”. The
/etc/shawdow file only readable by root will look similar to this: root:D943/sys34:5288:: super user
accounts Cathy:masai1:5055:7:120 all other users The first field contains users id:the second
contains the password(The pw will be NONE if logining in remotely is deactivated):the third contains
a code of when the password was last changed:the fourth and the fifth contains the minimum and
the maximum numbers of days for pw changes(Its rare that you will find this in the super user logins
due to there hard to guess passwords)