ISC Exam Questions

Th is is the fundamental aspect of which of the following computer architecture?

There is no inherent difference the representation of data and programming in computer memory can lead to injection attacks, characterized by executing data as instructions. Th is is the fundamental aspect of which of the following computer architecture?

Von Neumann

Linus� Law

Clark and Wilson

Bell LaPadula

A: A fundamental aspect of von Neumann architecture on which most computers today are based on is that there is no inherent difference between data and programming (instructions) representations in memory. Therefore, we cannot tell whether the pattern 4Eh (00101110) is the letter N or a decrement operation code (commonly known as opcode). Similarly, the pattern 72h (01110010) may be the letter r or the first byte of the jump if below opcode. Th erefore, without proper input validation, an attacker can provide input data that may actually be an instruction for the system to do something unintended. Linus law basically is based on the premise that with more people reviewing the source code (as in the case of open source), more security bugs can be detected and hence improve security. Clark and Wilson model is an integrity model from which entity and referential integrity (RDBMS integrity) rules are derived. BellLaPadula is a confidentiality model. Page 168.