ISC Exam Questions

How often should an independent review of the security controls be performed, according to OMB Circu

How often should an independent review of the security controls be performed, according to OMB
Circular A-130?


Every five years

Every three years

Every year

The correct answer is “Every three years”. OMB Circular A-130 requires that a review of the security
controls for each major government application be performed at least every three years. For general
support systems, OMB Circular A-130 requires that the security controls be reviewed either by an
independent audit or self review. Audits can be selfadministered or independent (either internal or
external). The essential difference between a self-audit and an independent audit is objectivity;
however, some systems may require a fully independent review. Source: Office of Management and
Budget Circular A-130, revised November 30, 2000 .