ISACA Exam Questions

Which of the following interpersonal skills has been identified as one of the biggest reasons for pr

Which of the following interpersonal skills has been identified as one of the biggest reasons for
project success or failure?




Political and cultural awareness


Communication has been identified as one of the biggest reasons for why projects succeeds or
fails. Effective communication is essential for good project management.
Communication is a process in which information is passed from one person to another. A
manager asks his subordinates to accomplish the task assigned to them. He should successfully
pass the information to his subordinates. It is a means of motivating and guiding the employees of
an enterprise.
Answer A is incorrect. While motivation is one of the important interpersonal skill, but it is not the
best answer.
Answer B is incorrect. Influencing the project stakeholders is a needed interpersonal skill, but it is
not the best answer.
Answer D is incorrect. Political and cultural awareness is an important part of every project, but it
is not the best answer for this