IBM Exam Questions

What must be done to ensure this field is used in the SAE summary?

A custom discovery stitcher has been used to create a custom ItnmService Service-affecting Event
(SAE) object. These objects contain a customer name field in Extralnfo->m_CustomerName. This
data has been transferred to NCIM and is held in a column called customerName in a custom table
called customerData using a new EntityMap in DbEntityDetails.cfg.
What must be done to ensure this field is used in the SAE summary?

modify the ObjectServer SAE databases (precision.service_details) to include the custom field

ensure that events about this service are enriched by the StandardEnrichment filter to include the
Extralnfo->m_CustomerName field

modify the SaeltnmService.cfgfileto include customerData->CUSTOMERNAME in the appropriate
insert statement for the CustomerNameField

configure the NcoSAESchema.cfg configuration file to include Extralnfo->m_CustomerName in the
appropriate insert statement for the CustomerNameField