IBM Exam Questions

What is the fastest way for the administrator to complete the IBM i 6.1 installation?

An administrator is creating an IBM i 6.1 guest partition on a Power 720 with no expansion units.
The host partition is an IBM i 7.1 partition. The system has only one internal DVD, located in the
CEO, which is allocated to the host partition.
The administrator has configured the partition profile, the client and server vSOSI adapter pair, a
network server description and 12 storage spaces. There is no additional optical media device to
start the D-mode IPL for this guest partition.
What is the fastest way for the administrator to complete the IBM i 6.1 installation?

Use the existing DVD device that is allocated to the host partition.

Reallocate the DVD device from the host partition to the guest partition.

Configure another vSCSI adapter pair in order to access the existing DVD device.

Convert the 6.1 DVD5 to .iso images, create a virtual optical device and load the iso images to
