PrepAway - Latest Free Exam Questions & Answers

Author: admin

What will the purchase order limit be for the user when working with the Farnham site?

A user is a member of four Non-Independent security groups which have different purchase order limits set for sites within the same organization. Security Group 1 Site = Bedfont Purchase order limit = $1000 Security Group 2 Site = Bedfont, Southbank Purchase order limit = $15000 Security Group 3 Site = Portsmouth Purchase order limit […]

Which options are valid for the target type? (Choose two.)

A company is migrating configuration data from a development environment to a test environment using Migration Manager. Which options are valid for the target type? (Choose two.) A. File B. Database C. FTP Server D. JMS Queue E. Web Service References: Page: 6

When preparing this server for Maximo, what is the recommended maximum number of Application Servers (JVMs)?

A company has a server with four CPUs. There is one core per CPU. When preparing this server for Maximo, what is the recommended maximum number of Application Servers (JVMs)? A. 4 B. 5 C. 2 D. 8 References:

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