Briefing F5 Knowledge

Why is ssldump failing to decrypt the application data?

Given this as the first packet displayed of an ssldump:
2 2 1296947622.6313 (0.0001) S>CV3.1(74) Handshake
Version 3.1
19 21 d7 55 c1 14 65 63 54 23 62 b7 c4 30 a2 f0
b8 c4 20 06 86 ed 9c 1f 9e 46 0f 42 79 45 8a 29
c4 44 ea 86 e2 ba f5 40 4b 44 b4 c2 3a d8 b4 ad
4c dc 13 0d 6c 48 f2 70 19 c3 05 f4 06 e5 ab a9
cipherSuite TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
compressionMethod NULLIn reviewing the rest of the ssldump, the application data is NOT being decrypted.
Why is ssldump failing to decrypt the application data?

The application data is encrypted with SSLv3.

The application data is encrypted with TLSv1.

The data is contained within a resumed TLS session.

The BigDB Key Log.Tcpdump.Level needs to be adjusted.