EXIN Exam Questions

Why is compliance important for the reliability of the information?

Why is compliance important for the reliability of the information?

Compliance is another word for reliability. So, if a company indicates that it is compliant, it means that the information is managed properly.

By meeting the legislative requirements and the regulations of both the government and internal management, an organization shows that it manages its information in a sound manner.

When an organization employs a standard such as the ISO/IEC 27002 and uses it everywhere, it is compliant and therefore it guarantees the reliability of its information.

When an organization is compliant, it meets the requirements of privacy legislation and, in doing so, protects the reliability of its information.

Compliance can also be described as tractability, obligingness, pliability, tolerance and dutifulness. What it boils down to is that an organization must observe its own internal regulations as well as the laws of the country and the requirements of local legislation and regulations.