EMC Exam Questions

What should you deliver to the production team, along with your commented code?

You have completed your model and are handing it off to be deployed in production. What should you deliver to
the production team, along with your commented code?

The production team needs to understand how your model will interact with the processes they already
support. Give them documentation on expected model inputs and outputs,and guidance on error-handling.

The production team are technical,and they need to understand how the processes that they support work,
so give them the same presentation that you prepared for the analysts.

The production team supports the processes that run the organization,and they need context to understand
how your model interacts with the processes they already support. Give them the same presentation that
you prepared for the project sponsor.

The production team supports the processes that run the organization,and they need context to understand
how your model interacts with the processes they already support. Give them the executive summary.