EMC Exam Questions

What is a benefit of cloud computing over traditional computing?

What is a benefit of cloud computing over traditional computing?

Reduces the time to provision and deploy new applications

Eliminates consumer’s IT operational expenditure

Enables the use of proprietary APIs to access IT resources

Lowers migration cost and prevents vendor lock-in


Benefits of Cloud Computing
Cloud computing offers the following key benefits:
• Reduced IT cost: Cloud services can be purchased based on pay-per-use or subscription pricing.
This reduces or eliminates consumer’s IT capital expenditure (CAPEX).
• Business agility: Cloud computing provides the capability to allocate and scale computing
capacity quickly. Cloud can reduce the time required to provision and deploy new applications and
services from months to minutes . This enables businesses to respond more quickly to market
changes and reduce time-to-market.
• Flexible scaling: Cloud computing enables consumers to scale up, scale down, scale out, or
scale in the demand for computing resources easily. Consumers can unilaterally and automatically
scale computing resources without any interaction with cloud service providers. The flexible
service provisioning capability of cloud often provides a sense of unlimited scalability to the cloud
service consumers.
• High availability: Cloud computing has the ability to ensure resource availability at varying levels
depending on the consumer’s policy and priority. Redundant infrastructure components (servers,
network paths, and storage equipment, along with clustered software) enable fault tolerance for
cloud deployments. These techniques can encompass multiple data centers located in different
geographic regions, which prevents data unavailability due to regional failures.