EMC Exam Questions

What are the correct proximity settings for both Content Servers?

There is a primary Content Server in New York and a remote Content Server in Munich.
What are the correct proximity settings for both Content Servers?

For the New York Content Server:
host=newyork, proximity=0001
host=munich, proximity=0002
for the Munich Content Server:
host=munich, proximity=9001
host=newyork, proximity=9002

For the New York Content Server:
host=newyork, proximity=9001
host=munich, proximity=9002
for the Munich Content Server:
host=munich, proximity=0001
host=newyork, proximity=0002

For the New York Content Server:
host=munich, proximity=0001
host=newyork, proximity=0002
for the Munich Content Server:
host=newyork, proximity=9001
host=munich, proximity=9002

For the New York Content Server:
host=newyork, proximity=0001
host=munich, proximity=0002
for the Munich Content Server:
host=munich, proximity=0001
host=newyork, proximity=0002