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Author: seenagape

What operating system is the target host running based on the open ports shown above?

You have initiated an active operating system fingerprinting attempt with nmap against a target system:

[root@ceh NG]# /usr/local/bin/nmap -sT -O

Starting nmap 3.28 ( at 2003-06-18 19:14 IDT

Interesting ports on

(The 1628 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)

Port State Service

21/tcp filtered ftp

22/tcp filtered ssh

25/tcp open smtp

80/tcp open http

135/tcp open loc-srv

139/tcp open netbios-ssn

389/tcp open LDAP

443/tcp open https

465/tcp open smtps

1029/tcp open ms-lsa

1433/tcp open ms-sql-s

2301/tcp open compaqdiag

5555/tcp open freeciv

5800/tcp open vnc-http

5900/tcp open vnc

6000/tcp filtered X11

Remote operating system guess: Windows XP, Windows 2000, NT4 or 95/98/98SE Nmap run completed — 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 3.334 seconds

Using its fingerprinting tests nmap is unable to distinguish between different groups of Microsoft based operating systems – Windows XP, Windows 2000, NT4 or 95/98/98SE.

What operating system is the target host running based on the open ports shown above?

Why does the host respond to hping2 and not ping packet?

You ping a target IP to check if the host is up. You do not get a response. You suspect ICMP is blocked at the firewall. Next you use hping2 tool to ping the target host and you get a response. Why does the host respond to hping2 and not ping packet?

[ceh]# ping

PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data.

— ping statistics —

3 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

[ceh]# ./hping2 -c 4 -n -i 2

HPING (eth0 NO FLAGS are set, 40 headers +

0 data bytes

len=46 ip= flags=RA seq=0 ttl=128 id=54167 win=0 rtt=0.8 ms

len=46 ip= flags=RA seq=1 ttl=128 id=54935 win=0 rtt=0.7 ms

len=46 ip= flags=RA seq=2 ttl=128 id=55447 win=0 rtt=0.7 ms

len=46 ip= flags=RA seq=3 ttl=128 id=55959 win=0 rtt=0.7 ms

— hping statistic —

4 packets tramitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss

round-trip min/avg/max = 0.7/0.8/0.8 ms

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