CompTIA Exam Questions

GOAL: To use an effective opening that will raise the participants’ level of comfort and inter

For this question, decide whether the action makes it likely or unlikely that the trainer will achieve
the goal. Select the BEST statement of the reason that the action is likely or unlikely to accomplish
the goal.
GOAL: To use an effective opening that will raise the participants’ level of comfort and interest in
an introductory computer course for support staff
ACTION: Begin the session by relating a story about an ineffective presentation that the instructor
once made to a group of marketing managers.

LIKELY, because beginning the session with a personal story about a previous failure will earn

LIKELY, because personal anecdotes relax the audience

UNLIKELY, because this anecdote does not attempt to engage learner interest in the course

UNLIKELY, because this group of learners did not personally know the marketing managers
mentioned inthe story
