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Category: TK0-201

Exam TK0-201: CompTIA CTT+ computer-based test

Which of the following is the MOST appropriate way for the instructor to ease the initial fears of the group?

An instructor is assigned a two-day, entry-level computer class for eight employees of a large corporation. The first morning, the learners state that they have been told that their performance will be evaluated on the basis of how well they can transfer new computer skills to job-related tasks. They are resentful and unwilling to participate. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate way for the instructor to ease the initial fears of the group?

In this situation, which of the following should the instructor do?

An instructor has been teaching for three hours on the first day of a three-day course. At the lunch break, the instructor reviews the preparedness of the learners and their responses to questions. The instructor notes that one learner does not demonstrate mastery of the concepts taught that morning. In this situation, which of the following should the instructor do?

ACTION:The trainer asks the more advanced learners to tutor the less advanced learners during the last part of

For this question, decide whether the action makes it likely or unlikely that the trainer will achieve the goal. Select the BEST statement of the reason that the action is likely or unlikely to accomplish the goal.

GOAL:To facilitate the learning process for a group of learners in a training class who are falling behind the more advanced learners
ACTION:The trainer asks the more advanced learners to tutor the less advanced learners during the last part of each class.

Which of the following methods is MOST appropriate for accomplishing this goal?

The trainer’s goal is to get the most participation from learners regarding choices that must be made about the next step in training. The trainer realizes that there are several different ways to solve a particular problem and wants learners to agree on the best method. Which of the following methods is MOST appropriate for accomplishing this goal?

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