CompTIA Exam Questions

Select the BEST statement of the reason that the action is likely or unlikely to accomplish the goal

For this question, decide whether the action makes it likely or unlikely that the trainer will achieve the goal. Select the BEST statement of the reason that the action is likely or unlikely to accomplish the goal.

GOAL:To evaluate the learner’s attainment of the stated course objectives for a week-long course
ACTION:On the last day, the instructor asks the learners to spend 15 minutes writing a brief paragraph on what they have learned from the course and then to share what they have written with the class.

LIKELY, because there is opportunity for learner success and recognition for learner achievements

LIKELY, because the learners understand the instructions for completion and the plans for dissemination of the results

UNLIKELY, because different learners learn in different ways and at different rates

UNLIKELY, because learner feedback is unable to be measured against the same standards