CIW Exam Questions

What was its original name?

The Internet was created in 1968. What was its original name?




Defense Net

The name of the original network that is called the Internet today was Arpanet. It is an acronym for
Advanced Research Project Agency Network, created in 1968 by the Department Of Defense
Incorrect Answers:
B: CompuServe was a private network and BBS system, provided by a private vendor, and serving
only the users who signed up and paid monthly fees.
C: Worldnet was a private network and BBS system, provided by a private vendor, and serving
only the users who signed up and paid monthly fees.
D: Even though the Internet, and its predecessor originated from the Department Of Defense
(DOD), defense net was not the name of the network.Note: Companies like CompuServe,
WorldNet, and Prodigy are older private networks that now provide ISP services for their users.
This allows an entry point into the Internet from those private networks. However, for the original
Internet, which was only used by the Military, Education Institutions, and Contractors, was the

former Arpanet network.