Citrix Exam Questions

How can you find out who is connecting to your server w…

You have a user on your network who is always installing the latest ICA Client from the Internet before you have
a chance to test it and
make it available to your users. How can you find out who is connecting to your server with unsupported

Place a check in the check box labeled Log Downloaded Clients in
the Properties sheet of the client database.

Place a check in the check box labeled Do Not Allow Nonstandard
Clients in the Properties sheet of the client database.

Place a check in the check box labeled Replace Newer ICA Clients
in the Properties sheet of the client database.

Click the radio button labeled Replace Newer ICA Clients in the
Properties sheet of the client database.

In the Event Logging tab of the Properties sheet, choose Log Downloaded Clients to log an event when a client
runs the update.